Bible Quiz-IOS

One would have faced several Quiz competitions during their several academic educations, but here it's all about testing the knowledge of the Bible, which constitutes both the Old and New Testaments, reflecting God’s word. Answer the questions and discover your knowledge level of the Holy Bible.



Bible Categories
Levels Up
Test Questions
Review Answers
Pinned Questions

Bible Categories

The Quiz is executed based on Bible categories: two Testament sections of the Holy Books separately, Bible Stories, Christ history, verse tests, and so on are described under different categories. The person undertaking the interested topic can prove their excellence in the Holy Bible.


Levels Up

Upon selecting each category, there are several levels; anyone who is taking the Quiz may pass onto the next level, where the difficulty increases on every stage. Without clearing the current level, one can’t directly jump to another level. Each level has its own set of questions to surprise the user.


Test Questions

These questions may test your in-depth knowledge of the Holy Bible, verse descriptions, Bible history, and much more. Each question will use an average time against the overall allocated time. Unanswered questions can be answered with the back button option before clicking "End Quiz".


Review Answers

After taking each level of the Bible Quiz, one can review the answers to the questions attended. The app would create an interactive chart describing the correct, wrong, and not answered questions to easily gather how attentive the user is upon facing each question.


Pinned Questions

On a go-through of Quiz levels, the user may come across some interesting questions but not know the answer. If they want to make sure the right answer is given to doubted ones or want to share some interesting Bible questions with others, they can pin the question on the Bible Quiz app.

Bible Categories

The Quiz is executed based on Bible categories: two Testament sections of the Holy Books separately, Bible Stories, Christ history, verse tests, and so on are described under different categories. The person undertaking the interested topic can prove their excellence in the Holy Bible.

Levels Up

Upon selecting each category, there are several levels; anyone who is taking the Quiz may pass onto the next level, where the difficulty increases on every stage. Without clearing the current level, one can’t directly jump to another level. Each level has its own set of questions to surprise the user.


Test Questions

These questions may test your in-depth knowledge of the Holy Bible, verse descriptions, Bible history, and much more. Each question will use an average time against the overall allocated time. Unanswered questions can be answered with the back button option before clicking "End Quiz".

Review Answers

After taking each level of the Bible Quiz, one can review the answers to the questions attended. The app would create an interactive chart describing the correct, wrong, and not answered questions to easily gather how attentive the user is upon facing each question.


Pinned Questions

On a go-through of Quiz levels, the user may come across some interesting questions but not know the answer. If they want to make sure the right answer is given to doubted ones or want to share some interesting Bible questions with others, they can pin the question on the Bible Quiz app.